Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baking, Painting and Building

Here's just a few pictures of what we've been up to. Having a two year old is so much fun!

Helping mommy make banana bread-his favorite

Painting Pictures

I guess Jonas got bored with paper so he decided to use himself as a canvas.

Building a train track


The Allen Family said...

You are such a nice mom to let him paint himself. I would have stopped my boys immediately. I'll have to remember your example next time my boys start doing something like that :)

Anonymous said...

How come Jonas got to do the fun stuff?! not fair.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Beth! I absolutely loved girl's camp!I do look forward on going again next year. The girls are so much fun. It's been a long while since I went and tt has brought back lots of fun memories. On the other hand, Jared was pretty happy to have his wife back that's for sure. A week of me being being gone is just too long for him. He even called me everyday! He's so sweet. Anycase..We all miss you! We don't know for sure when we will visit again. We'll have to figure soon! We love you all. Regards to Ben!

Coby & Jill said...

Let me know your thoughts on this new blog I am trying to get going!!