Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stone Mountain

One of our activities with my grandparents and aunt was Stone Mountain. It was a bit cold, but we had a good time together. It took us the whole night (actually until Danny showed up) to figure out who the 3 men were on the rock. My grandmother was so disappointed that we couldn't name them all, especially when my mom said one of them was Hugh Grant. We finally were able to name all three men when Danny showed up and of course he knew all of them.

Jared with his niece and nephews

The gang

Listening to one of Auntie Marilyn's stories.

She always makes us laugh.

Jonas in flight (again)

Hand stand contest on the rock. Lisa won every time. I guess she still has the gymnast in her.

We are probably laughing at Steven. If you look at the previous picture, he barely got his feet in the air:-)

Not only do we look alike, but apparently we have the same smile.

Jonas just about had it. He was hungry, a little cold and tired. He could really care less that we were on top of a huge rock. All he wanted was pizza! We all knew it too, because that was all he said for about an hour, "I want pizza!" Poor little guy.

For some reason the guys felt the need to pose while on the rock. These weren't staged pictures!



Waiting for the laser show

Can you tell my grandparents are from Hawaii?


Sarah said...

Ok- I LOVE your mom- Hugh Grant?? hahaha!

I thought you had gotten your haircut, until I realized it was Leni. She does look like your sister!

I LOVE your grandparents! I'm so glad they were able to come visit!! You guys always do so much fun stuff!

Coby & Jill said...

I can't believe you did hand stands on top of Stone Mountain. I got sick just looking at the pictures. I am not usually afraid of heights--rollercoasters and airplanes are thrilling to me---however, when it comes to me vs. Mother Nature-- I tend to freak out. I would have fallen and rolled right off the mountain--then again, I would have been just like Steve and barely have gotten my legs off the ground!
You and your sis are amazing to be able to do that!! Go Lisa!!